26 March 2011

Goals of A Physical Security Consultant

As a Physical Security and Integrated Systems Consultant, I help businesses to better manage their security risks, reduce losses, and provide a safe and secure workplace for your employees.  To implement security strategies that is aligned with your organization's mission and values that support rather than interferes with the operation of your business.  As a resource for state and local governments, corporations and high net worth individuals, I always advise you based on my experience and your goals.  Some of those recent goals are:
  • Find the right balance between security and convenience.
  • Provide security in a way that respects the unique culture of your organization.
  • Make employees, customers, and guests feel safer and more secure.
  • Keep from spending money on security equipment that won’t really solve your problems.
  • Reduce ongoing security operating costs by using doing more with less.
  • Have your security program add value to your organization's bottom line.

I specialize in helping companies and organizations that don't have a security department or security manager and for organizations that do have a security or asset protection department, I provide an objective outside look at the way that security is presently managed, as well as provide services that can inform on new technologies that could supplement and enhance the capabilities of your in-house management team.

In future posts I will discuss some experiences that I have had in providing these services over the years. If you have any questions or to learn more feel free to email me anytime at jmcdonald@AmericanAlarm.com.

Physical Security Talking Points and Fraud

When discussing physical security, there are several important talking points to consider. Here are some key points to include: Risk Assessm...