26 July 2010

CONSULTANCY SERVICES mean achieving real business results that allow you to transform andnot just maintain your security and operations.

We offer superior consulting services to assist Fortune 500 and other enterprise clients in providing safe and secure environments for their people, property and other assets. Our expertise is in the areas of Physical Security, Risk Management, Loss Prevention and Compliance.  We actively seek and apply the best possible solutions and methodologies today, making sure to holistically factor in people, processes and business issues.


Our services are designed to protect clients “Brand” and pinpoint fraud & loss prediction and prevention program strengths and weaknesses, cure or reduce operational deficiencies and at the same time maximize existing resources. We do not provide any security services nor sell security products and is therefore unbiased and objective when assessing critical requirements and recommendations on behalf of their clients. We provide impartial balanced thought and advice helping our clients make the right solution decision. With a diverse background our team can deliver a comprehensive range of security, fraud deterrence, loss prevention, operational risk management consulting services to multi-sector clients.

Our aim is to exceed the client's expectations on each and every project, no matter how large or small the objectives. The primary purpose of all of our assessments is vulnerability identification or threat (exposure) determination and to make the task of analysis of the existing risk more manageable by establishing a base from which to proceed. We believe in the premise that vulnerability threats that occur, whether the source is fraud based, physical security, logical security or a general liability issue, are not random occurrences, they occur when the conditions are right for them to occur.

Our assessments attack the root causes and enablers of these vulnerabilities. Our thesis is that improving organizational policies and procedures to eliminate threats, improve awareness that protect assets, minimize exposure and reduce losses is the single best defense. Then we follow up with the latest technology countermeasures that reinforce your policies and procedures to act as an overwhelming deterrence and insure compliance and evolve as changes require over time.

Physical Security Talking Points and Fraud

When discussing physical security, there are several important talking points to consider. Here are some key points to include: Risk Assessm...